The Tenses, Matthias Mainz, DJ Zipo

12. Oktober 20.30 Uhr
Zimmerman´s, Venloer Str. 39, 50672 Köln
Eintritt: 8/6,- €

THE TENSES (Los Angeles)
dada-noise-improv from SMEGMA members
solo trumpet & electronics
DJ Zipo [aufabwegen]


The Tenses is the duo of Oblivia and Ju Suk Reet Meate, stalwarts of the legendary Los Angeles Free Music Society touchstone, Smegma. Known to their Portland, Oregon neighbours as Jackie and Eric Stewart, The Tenses pare down Smegma’s sprawling collective mania to a duo of turntables, vocals, guitar, and various toys, gadgets and small instruments, invariably backdropped by their home-made video collages. (They also adopt the monicker The Rodney Forest when they become a trio with the addition of fellow Californian and LAFMS honcho Tom Recchion).
Eric seems able to draw a story from any instrument that falls under his gaze, hinting at enigmatic plot trajectories and haunted intrigue, while Jackie’s turntable technique is deceptively deep and encompassing – we’d strongly recommend you also check Super Relaxed, her collaboration with Tokyo noise monster Pain Jerk, and relish the bewildered aftermath of Jackie and decks in full flight.
On stage, as with Smegma, The Tenses ooze a bewildering charm and a sleight of hand that makes the magic they weave seem so simply honed, until you realise they’ve deftly transported your mind to another location via several conflated and seemingly incongruous stylistic manoeuvres.
Genuine musical alchemists.
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Überall und nirgends zuhause, pflegt Matthias Mainz in seinen Soloimprovisationen mit Trompete und Elektronik die Kunst der kleinsten Form. Im konsequenten Verzicht auf große Gesten, findet er in kleinsten Strukturen und mikroskopisch vergrößerten Lauten und Stimmgeräuschen, zwischen subtilem White Noise und vagen Erinnerungen an verschiedene Stilidiome v.a. des Jazz zu einer intimen postmodernen  Sprachauflösung, immer bereit hier- oder dorthin abzudriften, ohne je dort ankommen zu  wollen.
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